NYCDOT: Capital Planning for Mobility in New York City
The New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT) contracted the AECOM-STV Joint Venture to provide a facilities condition assessment (FCA) and energy audit of its real estate assets to assure that its capital commitments and preventive maintenance programs are both sufficiently funded and efficiently aligned with the NYCDOT’s priorities and most critical operations. The scope of this program was to provide FCA services and an energy audit of NYCDOT’s real estate assets in all five of New York City’s boroughs. The team accomplished the FCA in two phases. Phase I involved a comprehensive assessment of the current status of each Facility (Phase I Assessment). The Phase II Analysis involved an analysis of Phase I Assessment data to: (a) develop a comprehensive preventive maintenance plan for the NYCDOT’s real estate portfolio that highlighted mission critical assets in immediate need of repair and (b) identified opportunities to enhance the NYCDOT’s real estate portfolio (Phase II Analysis) such that it is most efficiently aligned with the NYCDOT’s objectives.
Assessment teams visited over 130 of NYCDOT’s real estate properties over the course of the performance period of this program. Technical staff will visually observed and collected data on over 1 million square feet of buildings/facilities and nearly 4 million square feet of site and grounds areas that were occupied and/or managed by NYCDOT. The range of facility types being assessed under this program varied substantially and included office buildings, bridge houses, muster yards, workshops, maintenance garages, parking facilities, piers, ferry terminals, and an asphalt plant.
Additional scope requirements of this program included the surveying of facilities and assets to evaluate code and environmental compliance, real estate valuation services, advisement on performance specifications of computerized maintenance management (CMMS) applications, development of a unit cost library to account for maintenance activities in line with the asset data specification breakdown (repair and replacement actions), as well as provision of an array of digital tools such as an FCA database, interfacing technology, and reporting tools. The summation of this work resulted in a series of technical reports, an executive summary, and the complete FCA database, a database interfacing application, and reporting tool sets.
New York City, NY, USA
New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT)
Quality control, oversight, and task lead as part of AECOM team